"El wiwi" is known for being a very little cat that can fit in your fingertip.
by panconpalta November 22, 2021
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Scp-el wiwi, keter class, is a yellow, titanic cat that stomps on small people. She has been studied to kill atleast 2. Touché and Xatteril were the unfortunate victims and we tried our best to salvage them.
Dr. ███ told O5 ██ that she is an upcoming new aggressive scp that is a risk to everyone and must be contained immediately.
O5 ██ stated that she has already injured over thousands across the lands and could cause a panic all over the world.
She hoards cats since she's a cat lover.
- Dr. ████████
el wiwi eats bongo cats for breakfast
by Xatty February 27, 2023
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