surfing off the edge of an object in source games (most popular in csgo)

considered a skillful move
i just hit an edgebug.

by qwassred November 20, 2020
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A term used in the counter strike movement community to describe a player surfing on the absolute edge of a model. Similiarly to a jumpbug, it denies fall damage and doesn't generate a landing sound effect. In fragmovies it can add style to a kill. Cheats like offer an "edgebug assist" feature, other cheats can only do such with the use of a lua script.
"yo i jumpbugged cat to chair legit AND hit an edgebug after, how dope am i?"

"i've got this really cool edgebug route in vertigo that i think will go rly well in my vid"

"send me ur edgebug clips ill edit"
by nohatmember January 23, 2020
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edgebug is sliding off of an edge in source games like in csgo
Yo quandavious i hit an edgebug
quandavious : Nice man
by jandavious May 3, 2022
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it's in the name, you surf or slide off edges in source games, usually in CS:GO (counter-strike global offensive) which is obviously a bug, movement players/cheaters hit edgebugs, along with routes, for clips or demo making.
breezetix: i just hit an edgebug

someone: nice!
by lulol69 March 21, 2021
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(E-ge bug)

To slide on a inclined ledge to take no fall damage. Popularized by the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.


When making a video about edgebugs make sure to include the line "FranzJ Presents"
Hey man, check this Edgebug I just hit
by Donald Frizzle Johnson November 2, 2023
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