eastern heights middle school in Elyria Ohio that was and still is ghetto. so much drama is in that ghetto ass school I can’t name everything lmao. that school is full of pick mes, nicotine fiends, furries, white people who wanna be black, and kids who got herpes. anyways, the kids that got herpes only got it because they like hitting peoples vapes (that’s how it spread), 40% of the 8th graders got it😭😭
I’m praying for the Elyria Highschool rn because they gonna be freshman next year💀 goodluck and moral of the story is- don’t have sex at a young age yall😂
eastern heights middle school is a herpes infested middle school in Elyria Ohio.
by nicki is the queen of rap💅 November 22, 2021
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