noun; a way of describing something incredibly difficult to the point that the situation is stupid, making the situation appear to you as if you were high
Jake: How was that math test michael?

Michael: It was pretty easy, but that one problem converting sin to cosin was dumby high.
by MikeyNIME February 15, 2010
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adj.; a way of describing something incredibly difficult to the point that the situation is stupid, making the situation appear to you as if you were high
Jake: How was that math test michael?

Michael: It was pretty easy, but that one problem converting sin to cosin was dumby high.
by MikeyNIM3 February 15, 2010
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To be bamboozled, shit on, screwed over, beaten, or otherwise clapped in spectacular fashion.
*beer pong ball bounces off 3 cups and doesn’t go in any of them*

Haha Phil you got dumby dicked.

*drifts a Chevy blazer and snaps the tire clean off*

It’s dumby dicked.
by February 3, 2021
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Nigel : Pardon my interruption Roger......over that a gaggle of dumbis cuntis?

Roger : Yes....yes indeed it is...great spotting my dear friend!
by DerekKickett December 31, 2011
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Q: What do you get when you cross Odie with a deer?
A: Dumbi.
by Dumbi April 29, 2009
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When someone is an extreme dummy. DUMBY. B for emphasis.
You don't have the big gay, you have the big dumb. Or the dumby dumb.
Oh my God! Did you see how Angela eats her tacos? She eats from the bottom up! She's such a dumby dumb!
by dumbythicclegend October 11, 2018
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Has a connection with the feeling of squishiness, or true brotherhood.
Yo man, you bring the true humby dumby in dis here lock down bra.
by Dan & Kristen August 31, 2006
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