This is the kid who always looks like hes going to the beach. Sandles, sunglasses, sunvisor, shorts, t shirt or open button down. Wears only abercrombie, armani, structure, american eagle, old navy, etc. spikes his hair and dyes the tips of the spikes blond, wears jewelry, typically in a fraternity, has a cell phone and a tribal tattoo around his arm. This guy is the epitome of MTVs spring break. usually an asshole to girls, but gets a lot of the dumb hot ones. rich. listens to rap, and bands like creed or any of those generic rock bands.
by joe February 16, 2003
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dudeguys are those kids that you see around with spiked black hair, popped collars (double usually), fake tans (yes they go tanning), always wearing hollister,abercrombie, designer shit, etc. They always go after dumbgirls (the female equivalent of dudeguys). Dudeguy is a negative conotation and one should kill whoever calls the other a dudeguy, this is the ultimate swear word. There is a new game that is hot in the streets nowadays called "find the dudguy" what you do is apparent in the name. People need to stop worrying about the whales and start to worry more about the dudeguys and what THERE future is like.
dude, check out those dudeguys over there dude.
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is very kick back ... kind of short .. likes hip hop ... spikes his hair ... loves t eat ad play video games .. is never home ... hangs out with friends a lot
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The coolest man you know. He also likes to sometimes play basketball or go to the beach. You could also call a Dudeguy Jake.
Look at that Dudeguy!!
by Dudeguy599 September 9, 2018
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