1. A mental disorder characterized by the compulsive urge to do or change something, even though everything is going just fine.

2. The deranged mental state induced by the concept or belief that change for the sake of change is good.
Example 1:
Person 1: Kenneth left the message board; now what should we do with his private forums and groups he created?
Person 2: Lets make them all public and reorganize them in a different way. Maybe we should split them up between different forums.
Person 3: You are both crazy and suffering from dosomethingism! Those forums were fine before and are fine now! Leave them alone!

Example 2:
Person 1: The network ranges at our various sites are non-sequential. We need to re-IP our entire network so that there are no empty network ranges in between the segments.
Person 2: Are you crazy? Do you know how much downtime that could cause? You must be suffering from dosomethingism and you are probably a Democrat! Go see a shrink!
by vududady December 28, 2011
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