A finalization between two gentlemen's agreement. usually to do with a wager or bet. era:~1800's~
first man:is it a deal?
second man:done!
first man:done!
third man:done and done between two gentlemen is enough
by jaems f. December 23, 2006
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a phrase used to accept a request or deal; a slang term meaning "consider it done"
You want me to trade my Pinto for your Hummer? Done and done!
by Celeste March 4, 2004
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a phrase to say when one has finished something that was so involved that it is as though one has done it twice
Howard: How's that plagiarized english paper coming along?
Joey: Done and done.
by Timato Five March 3, 2004
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a cool way to agree with someone or to close out a deal.
Rockville: I just got out of the shower. Wish you were here to dry me off.

MAUER: Done and done
by ZAIDERAID July 22, 2008
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when ur mom lets u push the shopping cart but u crash into her
Mom: "u hit me with the cart. when we get home, ur done ur done"
by piggy wiggy is crusty musty January 4, 2022
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When you do something or say something that makes people have to tell you to be quiet
Lizzy : I ate onions for dinner

Yinka : Ur Done Ur Done
by urdonecreator November 15, 2021
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Used in a joking way when something is semi-annoying
*washing the dishes to be a good child*

"Hey don't forget yo do the dishes"

Your done. Your done.
by Your.average.idiot December 24, 2021
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