"Did you nut inside her cuz?"

"Are you have a dizzee rascal bruv, girl aint on the pill fam."
by Sharjilo December 2, 2016
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ma fave rappa ennit he is rude!! got sum wkd tunes like stand up tall, gurls and learn!! luv ya dizzee! sfe!
blap blap! lol
dizzee u r rude!!! n fit!
by c.c October 15, 2004
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Limey rapper, who bails on shows that don't sell out.
A hundred people in Dinva ain't hip enough for cool breezin' Dizzee Rascal.
by Fly MC July 23, 2008
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Generic rappers name, used by people who have no clue about hip hop. A merging of Dizzee Rascal and 'Ol' Dirty Bastard
Jean: "I can't stand all that hip hop nonsense they play on the wireless thesedays"
Maureen: "Ooh I know. Our youngest keeps playing a record by Dizzee Bastard, or somebody"
Jean: "Oh yeah my nig, he's the shit!"
by Phil G January 14, 2008
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A term coined by medieval English mothers who used to punish their naughty little children by spinning them round in circles until their voices became ludicrously high and started "MCing", a form of babbling over crappy production.
by jumpoffjoeybuddenz October 28, 2005
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Clearly everyone else who has posted a comment is a member of the Croydon Rude Boi Brigade. This fool claims to have talent but actually seems to have a fake-lisp that many Rudie's have adopted. I'd be angry that XFM played his music if it wasnt so hillariously bad.
"Fix-Up, Look Sharp"

*You Reach For The Off Button On Your Radio, Unless Your'e Some Nob-End*

P.S If anyone calls me a "neek" for posting this comment, go look in a f*cking dictionary, the word doesn't exist you scum.
by Real Rock Fan December 6, 2004
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