a sexual act where a man defacates on a woman's face, then wipes it off with his dick. Then the girl must suck the dick clean, afterwards she must vomit into the mans mouth and he must swallow it.
1 the man must wear a cowboy hat and a bandit mask
2 the act must take place infront of several others
Syndey- carlos gave me a dirty pasqual last night
mariah- ewww gross... did it feel good?
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A jerk-off in his thirties who wishes it was the 1950's, takes the grease from his hair and puts it on the shifter knob of his loud hot rod and fucks his own ass while listening to oldies.
That guy with the greasy hair is doing a Dirty Pasquale by sitting in the middle of his front seat humping his shifter to the music.

Hey that Dirty Pasquale is humping to that 50's music--really humping.
by Emily, Who Dat, Dickenson October 2, 2010
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