a slave, lol..............
The dirt farmers wore things on their heads.
by dances with curtains June 30, 2006
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literally meaning "a person who farms in the soil", Dirt farmer is slowly being popularized as the new "thing to say"
and can be used as a term similar to the word "sic". It can be used both positively or negatively.
(n)Don't spin that wheel too fast, Dirt farmer!

(v) Dirt farm or die!

(n)That test was total dirt farmage!

(n descripive) Quit being such a Dirt farmer!
by Haxolither November 19, 2007
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Sexual position where the man is titty fucking the girl with a horse-shoe digger in and spits on the tits for lubrication

*girl having digger in optional
Dude I can't believe I did the dirt farmer in my bed last night, it was so messy we had to sleep on the couch
by TheBongMan40to5oclock June 20, 2012
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