THE most unstoppable hip-hop label ever.
Def Jux was made into DEFINITIVE JUX after DEF JAM got pissed off.
by Arrow_one September 19, 2003
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The dopest, most unstoppable hip hop label since Def Jam.
"Cuz muthafuckers are bored!"
by edd0 August 30, 2003
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One of the most succesful labels out there for independent/underground hip hop. Founded by El-p, and has a big roster of original underground talent.
Best 2 check out are Mr. Lif, Murs, Aesop Rock, and El-p! These rappers are
so original that they make most mainstream rap look like nothin. Nuff said, Def Jux is a label 2 check out.
Emergency Rations by Mr. Lif is such a tight record. Lif really rips on the
government in this record.
by x9 February 28, 2005
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