Daygo: Slang term for "San Diego" and variant term to "Dago." Normally referred to in the context of San Diego's inner-city neighborhoods.
And dem Daygo niggaz know what's up.
by ShockG40 October 3, 2004
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Something that is chill, comes from the slang for San Diego
Bro that party last night so was daygo
by socalryry June 20, 2011
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A degrading racial slurr that can be applied to both Mexicans, Italians and to a lesser extent, Latin Americans.
My god, Ty Rule is such a fucking daygo.
by Kyle Greene May 9, 2005
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that little piece of shit that hangs outta your ass that just wont come out!
Where ever you go, daygo !
by piggiewiggie May 6, 2010
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The word "Daygo" is basically the city of San Diego. It usually be the wanna be bangers that are mostly made up of Mexican and white folks that have this in their Instagram bios. The folks in San Diego wanna be from the hood so bad that they turned the name into a ratchet ass name and it's cringey every time someone says that word in a serious sentence.
Aye foo you the most brazy foo in all of Daygo
by calibrazyperiodtt December 10, 2019
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A slang term for the city of San Diego. Mainly used by wannabe gangsters and Chicanos, sometimes used by outsiders which don't know any better. No reasonable San Diegan ever says "Daygo".
"You white PUTO we are in Daygo ese." - A wannabe gangster Chicano, cannot speak either Spanish or English properly.

"Please stop embarrassing our city and nation, please be an actual functioning member of society!" - Any reasonable San Diegan
by Rangoisthebestmovie February 21, 2022
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a term that can be used to replace $30
Ben- Hey, how much money do you have?

Bob- Umm... a little more than a daygo.
by bdearman July 11, 2008
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