(adj.) being, acting or looking horrendous; can describe people, places and things.
Barry Manilow is dauncey.

Parts of Vermont are really dauncey.

Stop acting so dauncey.

Not only is that FUPA grotesque, it's the definition of dauncey.
by Donald C. Pobes November 5, 2006
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Not feeling all that great. May also mean person, place, thing not looking all that great. The first known use of the term in mainstream was from I Love Lucy in 1952 where she goes to the doc and finds out she's pregnant. The character mentioned her grandma "making the word up". It's uncertain if it's the character grandma or actress's real life grandma who made it up, or claimed to. Alternative spelling dauncey.
Good heavens, I'm feeling rather dauncey. I hope I've not caught cv19!
by Sir Carlton September 25, 2020
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