yea, and its mostly said by yokels!!!!
yokel one: yesh maam im liyvin in welldarn jus naw an mes jus gawt me som well darnd-ed sockies.
yokel two: well darn!
by :poisonedheart: January 14, 2004
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1- a proclomation of happiness or anger which generally concerns something stupid Greg did.

2- a pair of socks that were well darned. preferably over the knee stripey toe socks. they rock.

3- a place called welldarn in cheesecake land.
(1)well darn it greggle you'se dawn it again (followed by killing greg)

(2)naw them sockies are well darneded!

(3)i liyve in welldarn!
by meeeeeeeeeeeee January 12, 2004
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