A song that's easy and fun to dance to, or a band with a lot of such songs.
The last track was fully danceable.

The festival was so danceable, it was stacks of fun.
by Ausanon March 9, 2008
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Adjective for audiophile products: completely indistinguishable from other products that are literally a million times cheaper. Absolutely absurd description used when the marketer saying it has run out of words to say.
"... way better than anything I have heard...Simply put these are very danceable cables. Music playing through them results in the proverbial foot-tapping scene with the need or desire to get up and move.
by jimworm September 15, 2009
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ok so it means like a song that might be lame or old but is very easy to move to, even if its sucky dancing
bustamove is such a danceable song.
by clairemarie December 2, 2006
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The potential to dance but actually doing it and accomplishing dancing/moving.
Arianna grande is danceable because she dances on stage
by Chikennugs October 18, 2021
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