That feeling when you've dropped a 50 just before Christmas because you foolishly believed your shitty old Xbox One could do what those teaser trailers implied.
Me: "Oh boy! I can't wait to experience a living dystopian city that encapsulates the height of technology juxtaposed with the moral decline of Western civilisation!"
Ashton Kutcher: "YES! You just been Cyberpunk'd!"
by Mister Drigg December 19, 2020
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To pre-order a video-game and feel cheated by the released product.

Derived from Cyberpunk 2077, a game released with widespread furore.
"I should never have pre-ordered this game. I got Cyberpunk'd well and proper, old chap."
by MrLogician February 2, 2021
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a) To live your life normally, with average friends, family, and pets along with a nagging suspicion that something is off only to learn that everything is a computer simulation run by insane robots, the US government, or Communist Spacemen.

b) To be fooled into believing such bull as stated above
1. While Thomas Anderson thought that he was merely missing a significant other, the arrival of a leather-clad, ass-kicking ninja babe named Trinity made him realize that he had, in fact, been cyberpunk'd by the machines.

2. Greg Neilson was cyberpunk'd as he realized that it was merely the LSD that made him think he could fly and that in fact, the concrete was approaching him with astronomical speed.
by The OmniPresent "X" May 26, 2008
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