An adjective describing something that is cute but pointless.

This portmanteau of "cute" and "futile" was first coined by YouTuber Toby Turner in the outtakes of his Cute Win Fail series.
Dogs can neither understand nor speak English, so asking "What did you do?" to a dog who did something bad is rather cutile.
by Captain Cutile September 6, 2012
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A portmanteau of the words "cute" and "utility" that refers to the quantifiable adorableness of any given object, and that said adorableness' usefulness in eliciting response/curing cancer.
Tessa: Hey Adam, look at those four pug puppies fighting over that box of Peeps!

Adam: My goodness Tessa, I have never seen a spectacle with such high cutility in my life.
by Adam Protextor April 6, 2008
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Things that people in general and women in particular use to look cute. These include hello kitty t-shirts or those tea cup sized toy poodles.
Plural: Cutilities
The colored head bands are a must-have cutility this spring.

I need to go to a cutilities store to prep for my 16th birthday.
by Teeco March 13, 2012
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Nikki is a cutil person, attracting many guys.
by Dames January 22, 2006
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