a tough guy that backs up every thing he say.
yo, the boahcut like that
by philly cat December 16, 2003
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To be thick-skinned. Difficult to upset, hurt, or insult. Tough.
by Monics August 30, 2009
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1) when someone is at peak physical condition and is as pleasing to the eye to look at as the cut of a rare diamond
2) a fine physical specimen
3) certified dime piece
Aye brah, this girl is cut like a diamond!

Person 1: "Hey, did you see that guy? He's all muscles!"
Person 2: "Yeah, he was cut like a diamond!

Person 1: "You working out today?"
Person 2: "Yeah, I'm trying to get cut like a diamond."

Rihanna is to "shine bright like a diamond" as Terry Crews is to "cut like a diamond."
by boomstrat May 17, 2013
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this is the term you give to anyone who looks slow, unathletic, and uncordinated when they are running the football. can be applied to guys in the NFL, your fatass buddy playing flag football, or even to a guy in a video game.
"this tailback fuckin' sucks; he cuts like a golfcart"
by stan April 13, 2004
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to be cut up(upset,angered,victimised) like the great champion tennis player Monica Seles who was unfortunately and famously stabbed on court in 1993 by a deranged fan.
Matt - I only told him his girlfriend was a whore. How cut does he get!

Mick - yeah he's cut like seles.
by mick's a champ September 2, 2007
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A phrase to assert the fact that you are not cut like anyone else. Commonly said by niggas who cant shoot middies.
Ay Fuh neeguh ! Yeen Cut like me nigguh! awn me nigguh ia beet da fuxk outta yew nigguh.
by IcantShootMiddies December 21, 2019
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