The action of crying while pooping
Hey, that Mexican food made me sad, I'm gonna go take a croop.
by Bob J. Dole June 12, 2008
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When you cry while you poop
I was crooping last night.
by alexaforev March 20, 2017
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The action of aggressively coughing.
You were wearing shorts in 40 degree weather that’s why you have the croop.
by ShortStack101:P December 27, 2017
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meaning Crap and poop.
n. You are such a piece of Croop.
adj.I am playing Croopily today.
by Mao Tse Fong December 14, 2003
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A croop is a croop
Ahem, bruh, just croop.
by CharMcroops November 2, 2018
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The act of recording a ballard into your text platform whilst evacuating your bowels, then sending it as a text to a recipient.
When in the bathroom I'd rather be crooping than looking at social media.
by PMCSJ June 25, 2023
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The act of recording a ballard into your text platform whilst evacuating your bowels, then sending it as a text to a recipient.
When in the bathroom I'd rather be crooping than looking at social media.
by PMCSJ June 25, 2023
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