v. - the act of Creoning

in literature, when a character's personality changes in another part of the series; from Oedipus the King and Antigone, in which Creon is at first the kind, cool character who all of a sudden becomes corrupt and cruel.
Creoning is so annoying because this one character was so cool but then all of a sudden he turned into an asshole!
by rollsonthefloor February 23, 2013
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See:wordCreole/word A form of the word Creole.
"Hey, look at all of those Creons over there eating gumbo!"
"Bob is a Creon too!"
by meetoo September 6, 2003
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A stupid weird guy who accidentally create high quality memes.
Creon would cum on it
by Esk27figo January 27, 2018
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Creon where’s pink and has Lon hair he is a good quarterback
by Adrian24.09 March 8, 2019
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