Noun- A weird thing or object. A random thing.
Noun- A weird person. A strange person.
Adjective- Weird.
Exclamation- Wow. I dont know what to say. That was a weird thing you just said. Only used when another has said something first communicated towards you.
Noun- I saw a creeter with a ton of creeters in his mouth.
Noun- Hey dude. Your a creeter. Good-bye.
Adjective- What a creeter object. Don't be a creeter person.
Exclamation- First person- Elephants eat turkey. You- Creeter.
by Sammie Cameron July 8, 2011
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a girl that stuffs meatballs in her vagina
summer: damn that bitch is such a creeter

julian: tru .
by igothoes July 19, 2016
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