Coined: May 30th, 2007. SoCal, USA

Description: An expletive very similar in definition to snap or shnap - and the latter, only the definition(s) similar to those of snap. Unlike snap or even crap, "crapslices" does NOT have the exuberant "Oh yeah!" connotation that many other such interjections have. Its two meanings are:

1.) "Oh no. Now what am I gonna do?": worry
2.) "Oh no!"/"Oh yes!" "Y'all got served! Now what are ya gonna do?": mildly wise-guy-in-your-face (In this usage, it is highly encouraged that one says "Oh crapslices" in the same manner that Quagmire from Family Guy says "All right.")
Corresponding to the numbers above:

1.) Me: "Hey man, what did you write about for the assignment?" Them: "Assignment?" *registers* "Oh crapslices." (This was almost exactly how it was spontaneously coined.)
2.) Them: "Hey man, he won the game just like you said! Mad predicting skills, yo!" Me: "Oh crapslices!"
by benchley June 21, 2007
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