Its just a enhanced version of kool and can be substituted in its place whenever extra enthusiasm is needed.
by Pee Wee May 2, 2003
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Takes the place of words such as:awesome, cool, hott...and so on. But is much more intresting than the ones listed. Savannah invented this word. She is pratically the defenition of it.
Adam: I got an A on my test!
Savvy:Cool beans man!
Adam: I know man, Now I'll pass!
Savvy:Cool beans man!
by Savvy Daniel October 22, 2006
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a slang word meaning "cool" or "awesome" usually used by idiots
"I am an idiot so I will say cool beans because I am an idiot."
by e-boy November 29, 2003
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only like like the coolest phrase in the world!!! you can say it anytime, to anything that is cool, fun, or sweet
I ate some pie.
<cool beans>
by anon-o-mouse February 4, 2011
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What you say when

~you find something to be cool, wicked, or awesome.
~if you just don't feel like giving a clear response.
Mark: Hey Jimmy look at my new toy dinosaur!
You: Cool beans!

Sally:...and then I ate some meat and then I rode a pony and then the pony ate my dollar so I had to kick it then it threw it back up and then I was happy!
You: cool beans....(whatever.)
by XpreppyXsceneXkidX...hahajk January 2, 2010
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meaning oh that's sweet
or slang for nice. cool, good stuff etc. etc.
oh thats an nice cell phone,,
cool beans.
by hoku April 12, 2006
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cool beans; if one says it, it becomes contagious to others.
by Jack Sparrow 3rd April 21, 2008
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