When the cooch from yo girl is so horrendously disgusting. There is no other way to put it, it just stank.
Kids named Dominic: Her cooch stank so bad I had to turn down my TV because I couldn't taste my grilled cheese.
by Macabrebard May 16, 2019
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Term for a girl with an above average rank smellin vaginal area. To be avoided at ALL costs. The smell can be compared to a landfill, dead fish or an armpit.
"Kyle got a wiff of leann's stank cooch and immediatly threw up. He will never be the same."
by theblakster June 19, 2006
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Friend 1:Mrs. Starke has a stank cooch.
Friend 2:No, she doesnt.
Friend 1:What are you talking about.
Friend 2:Mrs.Starke has a stank cooch and is a bitch.
Friend 1:Perfect!
by YeetSkeetPumpkinGang October 5, 2019
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