Those things within the society which limits your freedom from doing what you want.
The social constraints left him speechless
by Dizzo van Bizzo January 31, 2016
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In classical mechanics, particularly Lagrangian Mechanics, a holonomic constraint is a special type of constraint of motion. It restricts the trajectory of a system of particles to a smooth manifold Q by the set smooth equations

{x}= the set of 3N Cartesian coordinates for the system of N particles.

For N particles, the number of holonomic constraints must be less than 3N using the assumption that each equation has an explicit dependence to AT LEAST one coordinate.
A rigid body, defined by the constraint equations (using LaTeX) is

\left| {x_i - x_j } \right| - c_{ij} = 0
where i is not equal to j is a Holonomic Constraint.
by pinu7 November 12, 2009
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