A bug on old Windows computers that coincidentally, when typed into the run dialog box, and then running, would blue screen the computer. It was never patched. Pretty normal for an old Windows OS, but it's a good way to prank your friends.
C:\con\con can often be used as a prank like this:

Suki: So, you type C comma backward slash con backward slash (C:\concon) and then hit enter, alright?
Hikaru: Yes, what happens when I hit enter?
Suki: Something happens!
*Hikaru hits Enter.
*The computer bluescreens, causing Suki to laugh.
by Surono419CH May 22, 2019
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n. 1)C://Con/Con. If you know html and you know the img tag, then make one to this, and then send it to some asshole with Windows 98 or 95.
2) A random saying. Like so random that you can meet someone off the street and say it. It's very odd but yeah...
1) Hello

2 ) CON CON!!!!

1) ¿!?!¿!?!¿
by Irob March 10, 2003
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A song from opus eponymous the album by Ghost
Oh yeah, did you listen to con clavi con dio yet?
by Ghost b.c February 5, 2023
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Funny but annoying , Immature but bossy , calm but angry .. you're everything that makes me happy in one , your the reason i laugh loud and the strength i need when i feel down . I love all your flaws like the fact you ash on the side - so annoying and fact when your on one soneone gets terrod but for sone reason i end up laighing with you aswell as trying to stop you . Just keep being you , my chicken nugget made from ducks xx
by Iloveyoucs May 30, 2022
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