A term created by Corner App describing the consumer behaviors of people with a sense of belonging to a specific niche or similar area of interest.

Not to confuse with social commerce, which is a mix of social media with e-commerce activities.
Gen Z love community commerce - it's a totally new way of shopping, bruh!
by OG_Poplister July 27, 2021
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Term created by Corner App that describes consumer behaviors of people with a sense of belonging to a certain niche or area of interest.

Different than social commerce, which is a mix of social media activities with e-commerce.
Bruh, did you see Corner App?

Yeah, it's definitely community commerce!
by OG_Poplister July 27, 2021
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1. Basic Finance Class, bond valuation, Gordon Dividend growth model, Beta as an almighty causal relationship.

2. Slang for mentally infirm, Retard.
1. Man, how did I fail that exam? I was so Commerce 240 today.
2. That guy is so COM240; net present value should be smaller than the sum of the future values. (If the discount rate is positive)
by Linda Welling March 14, 2010
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