1.To take part in the form of taking codral night time tablets to get codralised (adj)
2.Codralised: the act of being in a pharmaceutical physical/mental state equated with fits of laughter, relaxation,surpise body tingles and a perma-grin
3.Codralising Out: A relatively happy person with lots of/perhaps too much codral in their system
"Hey Nick, i just got a whole pack, lets codralise"
or "lets abuse some Codral"
a few hours later
Nick: "fuck, we're so codralised, wheres a bed i feel tingly" "Look how hard Dans codralising out, that's fucken sweet"
"I wanna get on the fucken Codrals"
Dan: "I"m soooooo codralising out"
"Fuck off, you are killing my codral high"
by Codralqueen June 14, 2008
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1.To take part in the form of taking codral night time tablets to get codralised (adj)
2.Codralised: the act of being in a pharmaceutical physical/mental state equated with fits of laughter, relaxation,surpise body tingles and a perma-grin
3.Codralising Out: A relatively happy person with lots of/perhaps too much codral in their system
"Hey Nick, i just got a whole pack, lets codralise"
or "lets abuse some Codral"
a few hours later
Nick: "fuck, we're so codralised, wheres a bed i feel tingly" "Look how hard Dans codralising out, that's fucken sweet"
"I wanna get on the fucken Codrals"
Dan: "I"m soooooo codralising out"
"Fuck off, you are killing my codral high"
by CodralQueen June 13, 2008
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