1. A fictional police detective portrayed by a fictional character named Nathan Wind in a fictional TV show called Sabotage. This was the inspiration for the Beastie Boys video of the same name. A homage to 70's/80's police detective dramas.

Played by the Beastie Boys MCA, aka MC Adam Yauch, aka Nathaniel Hornblower.

2. A person who looks dashing in aviator sunglasses and a fu-man-chu moustache.

3. A moniker used by a Police Officer on a variety of internet fori.

Not to be confused with the indian guy, Cochise.
What were you for Halloween, Mark?

Oh, me and my roomates were the B-Boys in Sabotage. I was Cochese and got laid by three girls!
by James Balboa March 29, 2006
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When half the bowl pack has been smoked, and your already to high to finish the rest.
"holy shit lennon you cochesed ."
by Sexbombomb December 28, 2016
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close minded asshole who doesn't know shit about france and still talks mad shit about it.
Get out more and maybe you'll see that you don't know what the hell you're talking about!
by SHUTTHEHELLUP August 2, 2003
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A pathetic excuse for a human; a waste of space; an insult to an intelligent person; a close-minded moron; a French-bashing homophobe who is in reality a homosexual.
"Now lets suck each others dicks" -Cochese Jackson
by Cochese Jackson July 9, 2003
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1. A condescending foreigner who suffers from extreme feelings of penis envy due to the economic, military, and political power of the United States.
2. Psychology. A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. See also frog.
1. Jacques Chirac.
2. Jacques Chirac.
by FalseHope April 16, 2004
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