Means "hey kids" in italian.

It's what italians say to annoying groups of tourist american children.
(American students walk into italian cafe)
italian guy: ciao ragazzi
by Psychedelic Phenomenon September 25, 2011
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A slang term implying goodbye or farewell. Literally an intoxicated adaption of "Rightio then, good bye".

"Alright dude, I'm heading off for a couple of beers...Roll Ciao".

"Has Pete left?" "Yeah, didn't you here him say Rollchies on the way out?"
by jsyph August 5, 2008
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A phrase used to wish your asinine coworker that you do not care for a sarcastic goodbye.
Coworker: "blah, blah, blah I'm being ignorant, please pay attention to me"
You: "yeah alright, Ciao Chester"
by Aday123 April 10, 2015
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A form of address at parting. Phrase used by people in order to make themselves seem unique, fun, and sweet. The chocolate sweetens the bitterness of a farewell.
by deryuts April 24, 2021
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To talk while giving oral sex to a woman.
I screwed a girl last night, but she got really mad, when I began to ciao box.
by Zimmster April 6, 2009
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slang for Goodbye... comes from the more well-known word for goodbye 'ciao'
by jessindia October 11, 2009
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"Ciao bella" actually means "Hello beautiful ๐Ÿ’–" So if you want to say something kind to someone just say "Ciao bella!"
You: Ciao bella <3
The one you wanted to say to: What do you mean-
You: Look it up on ur phone on translate :>
The one you wanted to say to: Aweee tysm <33

*Or smth like that- ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘*
by Gacha-cuz-why-not? October 10, 2021
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