when an illegal event is happening but the people around are chill with what’s going on.
*underage teens smoking and drinking at a party* *even parents are chill with it*
broski 1: “hey bro, can i smoke here?”

broski 2: “hell ya brother, it’s chillegal🤠”
by eviedabsma May 8, 2019
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Illegal, but in a chill way.
Parents: If you drive people you'll get pulled over and ruin our lives! You're not allowed to drive people until you've had your license for a year (in California)!
Me: Relax, it's not illegal. It's chillegal.

Thepiratebay.com and Frostwire are both very chillegal.
by jimmyt9574 November 8, 2009
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Word that is usually said when another person describes a bad situation he's in or something that happened to him or something that concerns him. The well-known word "chill" forms this word, implying that the person who says it is trying to tell the person in the bad situation to chill/stay calm, ensuring him that everything is fine. This word may sometimes be used the same way as "sheesh".
Him:Guys I just got an F on my maths exam.
by astro2398 November 30, 2021
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