Medical condition to describe the horrific chafing of the butt cheeks caused by long hard shifts in a hot sweaty environment. Is often exacerbated by tagnuts, winnets or dangleberries . Although there is no cure for this dreadfull ailment, many chefs I know swear by cornflour, well known for its high starch content. Some shave their asses to lessen the pain, others smear vaseline between the cheeks to lessen the friction, but the real masochists slather their ass in witchhazel upon the onset of symptoms
Chef's temper got worse during service as a dose of chefs arse played havoc in his kecks.
by grazza September 11, 2007
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Working in a hot environment the anal area may tend to sweat a little. The condition of chefs arse is caused by the rubbing of the sweaty cheeks and causing nappy rash like sores.
Elliot "Dude this kitchen is hot"

Sylvester "Yeah, I know my anus is sweating big time"

Elliot "Take care you don't get Chefs Arse!"

Sylvester "I will throw some cornflower in it to absorb the moisture"

Elliot "Good call Sylvester, good call"
by miaomatt November 14, 2009
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The unfortunate predicament one finds himself in when the arse sweats so much that serious itching and scratching is a must and a funny walk is adopted.
Chef Tony was such a ratty old bastard because he had a bad case of chefs arse.
by Botty Bot Bot September 22, 2006
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