Lizzy was walking funny until her cheesy discharge fell out. It hit the floor with a thump and rolled toward the wall. Booya! The cat ate it!
by fucwad March 16, 2004
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nasty cottage cheesy stuff that comes out of your cock a couple of days after fucking a dirty girl (Can be green, bluish or (lumpy)gravy collored)
I had sex with your mom, and I dont know if it was something in her trailor that i touched with my dick, or it was just her, but i've been shootin out a cheesy discharge for a week
by SPECIAL KID July 2, 2003
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when a women has wierd discharges from her vagina, they seem to look like cottage cheese which is really aged semen that is still in the vagina after sex!!!!
me: wat the fuck is that baby?

my wife: oh thats yours and your dad's cum, looks like cottage cheese, huh??

me: cottage cheesy discharge huh, looks like it would go good on a sandwinch!!!
by donny22 January 22, 2009
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