a fucking shaman on world of warcraft that rapes everyone in the bum hole and wont die.
Joel Foster: celf just killed me for the 4th time
Callum Sewell: celf just wont die
Tyron Wyld: i know celfs a beast
Seb Marris: what are you on about?
Me: fuck off seb.
by God's dad June 20, 2012
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The frantically check your pocket for your cellphone before entering a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, where they are prohibited.
I saw two suits doing a celf patdown before entering the FBI building
by Badanderson April 26, 2018
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A self portrait taken by a cell phone camera, normally pointing into a mirror, popular for facebook profile pics and text flirting
examples of a Celf-Portrait are self explanatory but usually consist of Facebook profile pics, pics sent via text, or any use of the need for a quick pic of yourself
by CarlCataclysm February 13, 2012
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