Cash Colligan is the bass player for Fueled by Ramen band, The Cab. Cash is an arrogant and pompous and is moste recognizable for permanently inking himself with ridiculous tattoos, such as, "Dolla Dolla Bill Yall" and "Thirtizzle"

Cash may or may not be cute, but no one can tell because he is covered in ridiculous tattoos.
Cash Colligan got a new tattoo, twenty-threetizzle
by DemiLov April 8, 2009
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used to play bass in a band called The Cab. Cash used to have a relationship with The Cab's lead singer Alexander DeLeon but they broke up and that's why Cash left the band. Cash still loves Alex but he don't admit it.
by vanillasuggarsarsparilla October 9, 2012
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