Calvert County, MD means different things to different people. Bordered by the Chesapeake Bay and the Pataxuent River, Calvert County is attracting wealthy, Volvo-driving liberals who like to sail on the Chesapeake Bay and send there kids to prep schools like Key School and Calverton School. They work in Washington or Annapolis and play/sleep in Calvert County on the weekends. For the locals, Calvert County is made up of bitter farmers who don't like them city folk stealin' theirland.
Calvert County resident post 1985: "Let's hop in the BMW, pick up some steamed crabs, and eat them on the boat.

Calvert County local: "Damn newcomers takin' my land! I can't go huntin' where I want no more!"
by Annapolitan December 25, 2005
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A county in Southen Maryland
South of Anne Arundel County.
Most likely where they coined the phrase "It's a small world"

You can't go ANYWHERE without seeing somebody you know, and not because it doesn't have a lot of people, there just aren't many places to go.
(You can even go to Busch Gardens Williamsburg and see people.)

A place where there are only 3 degrees of seperation between people.
And where it is common to be related to someone on both sides of your family.

Usually referred to as "Culvert Coutayy"
Guy one: Yo That dude from Calvert County is cool like pie!
Guy from Calvert County: Dude, It's Culvert county. and y'all should use cool like pie.
Another guy from calvert county: Yo! Mike! Hey!
by ram a lama ding dong September 1, 2007
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an adjective referring to an individual that has characteristics of the stereotypical Calvert County local.
One who is Calvert County-tastic may for example where something camo out in public at least once or twice a week, own a confederate flag, or shoot, kill, and proceed to eat emu.
by C.C resident (not for long) January 15, 2011
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The act of inserting the head of a freshly caught, Patuxent River Bass into a females vagina.
I took her out on the bass boat and gave her a Calvert County Hot Pocket
by StogieMan February 1, 2023
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