A colorful bouquet of balloons. The majority of the time in a "balloon bouquet" but has a foil balloons in the midst of latex balloons.
Danngg, Sharon was so jealous of those calloons Anh got for his birthday from Sheila! They almost trump that magnificent cake Huyen got him!
by Unitedforce March 2, 2008
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A colorful bouquet of balloons. The majority of the time in a "balloon bouquet" but has a foil balloons in the midst of latex balloons.
Danngg, Sharon was so jealous of those calloons Anh got for his birthday from Sheila! They almost trump that magnificent cake Huyen got him!
by Unitedforce March 1, 2008
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A colorful bouquet of balloons. The majority of the time in a "balloon bouquet" but has a foil balloons in the midst of latex balloons.
Danngg, Sharon was so jealous of those calloons Anh got for his birthday from Sheila! They almost trump that magnificent cake Huyen got him!
by Unitedforce February 29, 2008
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