A middle aged angry white woman with blonde hair. Very popular with men when she was younger , so very used to getting her way. Now, she is constantly angry for not getting attention and takes it out on the world , namely retail and restaurant workers . Aka “BGB “ .
That bygone Barbie just asked to see a manager because we didn’t accept her expired coupon .
by Jaxguy August 30, 2019
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Bygone phantasm is a kind of stress that make players crazy. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. Basically hell :>
Bygone Phantasm is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mollis vel purus ut posuere. Nunc lorem velit, mollis vitae tempus sollicitudin, faucibus quis mauris. Maecenas porta luctus enim, aliquam sodales urna malesuada a. Duis consectetur quam molestie congue posuere. Fusce finibus orci a ligula consequat sagittis. Morbi et diam massa. Donec aliquam quam eu urna aliquet accumsan. Proin dapibus neque sit amet tortor rhoncus, non sodales nunc mattis. Pellentesque rhoncus tellus in dui finibus congue. Nunc venenatis, orci non ornare venenatis, lacus risus sodales mauris, ac ultrices quam orci nec velit. Maecenas at mauris in ex varius varius ut in massa. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas tincidunt rhoncus est at feugiat. Mauris eget justo vitae eros volutpat porttitor. Integer iaculis blandit mi, pellentesque tincidunt enim. Donec posuere lorem malesuada orci pellentesque tempus.
by Unknown D. Makilala October 9, 2022
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