Creators of great games, such as the Marathon series, and the MYTH series, they are best known however for HALO, and Spraylo (AKA HALO2)

I dont feel like telling you about how much of a n00bfest HALO2 is, to see the arguements of myself and other HALO devotees, visit
Seriously, we wanted HALO 2 not HALO 1/2...
by Chad March 17, 2005
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When two males sew both of their penis shafts together. Then the 2 males make their way to a high ledge. one male jumps off the edge and the other stays there and trys not to fall.
Today my best friend Ryan died. We were doing a bungie together and when he jumped off our shafts broke apart and he droped down 60 stories to his death.
by Rosetta Stoned May 21, 2009
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The perfectly ultimate bunghole of gaming. The only gaming company to completely screw themselves harder then a gay guy with making on game, HALO 3. Halo 3 sucks because of all the wonderful bunghole loving Generals making noob accounts to play with normal people and then kill you repetitively and they wonder why there is no new actualy decent players.....gee.....Bungie will eat your soul and make you rape monkeys in their easter eggs, also they will ban you from their forums for putting a topic such as, "Chimpanzee riding on a segway". In the flood forum....
by CHOAS XIII February 15, 2009
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A plastic bag attached to a half cut plastic bottle used as a marijuana smoking device
take a hit from the bungi
toke the bungi
by Umdinger January 8, 2006
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When you first meet this short girl you will think she is straight, we all know how that turns out. Bungie hates video games, especially witcher, red dead and black ops 4. Bungie also has a penis that is why in some sentences it is used to substitute the word 'tranny'. Bungie also buys excessive amounts of fortnite body pillows.
1.(on grinder) 'hey wanna fuck?'
2.'ew no your such a bungie'
by Swiinutz October 13, 2018
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Ladies, ya know how when you run you get that awful sweat between your BOOBS? Well that's what I like to call Bungi. BOOB sweat.
"Man the other day my sports bra was all wet after track."
"Girl you got some badass bungi."
by BRizzle March 11, 2004
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Stop being a Bungi Luke. or Luke is such a Bungi
by Az June 6, 2004
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