A nick name used in a elderly cartoon show that didnt air-on-television-tubes for very long, "Bucky O'Hare".
The show was based upon a Green fur coloured JackRabbit like Rodent, named Bucky O'Hare, the T.V. show aired for about 1 years, almost making 2. This bunny was playing a role of a Law Enforcement officer in space, with a merry crew to aide/assist him. The time aired was around 1989-1994, going on this reporters' stressed out and unimportant momeries of recollection.
there is no example to give onto this deffinition due to the fact it is a "Nickname"-Bucky in a Television show cartoon, based on the main Star/Character of said show.
by Maurice Clarence Jr' Cormier January 16, 2008
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perhaps the strongest person in the entourage as well as the meanest. ALthough he could use his physical strength to take advantage of his freinds he uses hurtful workds. his facial hair is admirable even thoug at times he cud be a huge asshole. hes afraid of bees. favorite sport ios squash
man that guy is such a bucky.
by the fantastic minister February 2, 2010
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a sprightly young fellow from philly who enjoys having an off the chain evening with a michelle and smoking some bubonic chronic whilst drinking a drop of the finest spiffingist raki in Palaikastro
yo, that chap is rather bucky wouldnt you say? he's having a marvelous time with that fine young example of a michelle.
by michelle August 2, 2004
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slang for tall white boy with afro who smokes catnip and loiters.
I saw a bucky loitering outside of k-mart last night.
by stonedbucky February 20, 2007
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A beautiful and wonderful Mexican person who smokes a lot of pot but still cares about other things.
Wow, you're so great, almost as good as Bucky.
by Cara! April 13, 2004
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Something or someone acting / being / looking stupid or uncool - also a waste of time (typically person doesn't realize this, which makes it even more bucky.
"That outfit looks bucky on her." - "The presentation he put together was so bucky!"
by ms-cynic May 22, 2009
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