Refered to a messed up van but now is used to mean any car that is messed up.
like a hoopty .

Orgin:LA 80's
by LEC2 May 7, 2003
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1) something that sucks
2) weak (ie. shit's weak)
"No room service, nasty sheets, and no cable TV? This hotel is bucket"
by THunter December 3, 2007
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an extremely unattractive person (usually used to refer to an extremely unattractive girl)
"Hey dude, how was that party last night"

"Man, it sucked. It was full of buckets so I left early."

"That sucks. Sounds like buck-city to me"
by hahajknot November 2, 2013
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adj. - Extremely pasty, pale skinned.
She's so pale, she's bucket.
by Weasel85 January 14, 2009
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A sexual position which involves the woman putting her legs on the man's shoulders, as he pushes her up on her shoulders and thrusts in her. Ideal for deep penetration.
Susie's been hurtin' because I gave her the bucket last night.
by Jay E. May 25, 2003
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A contraption involving a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off, which is then placed into a larger container nearly filled with water. A "chillum" or "ratchet/rasche" - normally a ratchet socket with a gauze inserted - is placed into the neck of the bottle, and your chosen substance can now be stacked up & burned, whilst pulling the bottle out of the water, which fills the bottle with smoke due to the vacuum created. I have also heard this device described as an "Afghanistanian Gravity Bomb", but personally I think "bucket" is a bit catchier.
"After my seventh bucket I was temporarily blinded."
by iamesh February 21, 2006
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