(adjective, verb, interjection)

(Not to be confused with "Init bruv".)

An all encompassing word to express something as embarrassingly bad or cringe. Can be used to describe an object, a person, a scenario, or process as "bad/cringe". Can also be used as an interjection - see examples below. When used as a verb, one describes a person, object or process as "bruvinit" (i.e. bruving it) which can be read as "ruining it" or "making an embarrassing scene out of it". See examples below for clarity.

Derived from road man slang "Bruv init". Has evolved over time to become used as a singular word with many applications in different contexts.
*You arrive at spoons to find they have run out of beer*
"Bruvinit." (interjection)
"The NHS waiting times are quite bruvinit." (adjective)
*Person 1 observes Person 2 making a complete mess of the roll*
Person 1: "What the fuck are you doing to our joint, mate?"
Person 2: "Yeah I am bruvinit aren't I?" (verb)
*Person 1 observes Person 2 k-holing in the toilets of the students' union*
Person 1: "They are quite bruvinit." (verb/adjective)
When the professor moves the assessment deadline forward a week:
Me: "Bruvinit..."
When you get held at gunpoint by a crackhead for the shawarma in your hand for which you waited half an hour in the kebab shop for.
"Major bruvinit."
by major_bruvinit March 7, 2023
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