A word originated in Calfornia to describe a friend. Used proficiently by surfers, and a good way to end a sentence.
by Surfguru September 9, 2006
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A word originated in Calfornia to describe a friend. Used proficiently by surfers, and a good way to end a sentence.
by Surfguru September 9, 2006
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1. A Danish astronomer. Took very redundant observations, which were used by Kepler to prove that the orbits of the planets in our solar system are elliptical. He was a "party astronomer" and had a gold nose.
2. One of the two main characters in the web-comic Penny Arcade
1. "Tycho Brahe was hardcore!"
2. "Tycho Brahe is my favorite character on Penny Arcade, Gabe can suck it."
by Sheekadoo April 30, 2006
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Hey I saw Tycho Brahe at the club last night guess Johannes is sitting tonight!!!
by rosslynchlover29 June 4, 2018
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1 prepositional phrase. {Brah it up} in generally requires two or more people of the same sex doing something outside of the normal activites of the day. For one to be brahing it up one must be doing something to bring pleasure and enjoyment(in a non-homosexual way)

2 (more or less Adj). Brahing it up is to be having a party with people of the same gender (usualy males) in which friends get together and do things they enjoy. During the brahing it it is common place to call people of the opposite sex (hoes) to come brah it up as well.
Def. 1 Me and a couple dudes are going to brah it up, wanna come?

Def. 2 Me and the brahs are going to be brahing it up saturday, the more brahs brahing it up the better. we got some brahettes coming to so see u there?
by Clayton (brah) Allen March 17, 2005
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An astronomer from long ago who was extremely picky about making very accurate star maps and star descriptions.

He lived on an island and got paid handsomely by the King to study astronomer. He was lucky enough to have his own team of laborers and assitants to help him build really huge instruments like compasses, telescopes, etc.

Unfortunately he did not believe that the Sun was the center of the universe, because he tried to measure the stars positions and see if they moved throughout the year, but he didn't notice any movements. The thing is, the stars are extremely, mind-bogglingly far away. But he still should have figured out that the Earth was not the center of the universe, if only because of the retrograde motion of Jupiter and Mars, and also because of the fact that Jupiter itself has its own moons. Oh well, it was a bit hard to go against that church dogma that said we lived in a geocentric universe. And how would these old astronomers have known just how far away the stars are?

2. Someone who is extremely anal about measurements
Tycho Brahe would have loved to use todays computers - because he could have gotten extremely accurate measurements.

Mark72329: "Wanna know how big I am down there, sweetie?"
girlyxoxo923: "yeah hunk tell me"
Mark72329: "Well according to my most recent calculations I'm just about 5.825 inches. Isn't that big?"
girlyxoxo923: "wtf - gosh, GAL dude... umm and that's not big sorry"
by Adel7 December 4, 2007
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Tycho Brahe is a fat ass who had drunken parties, had good eyesight to look at the star, and had a fetish for midgets
"Dude you are such a Tycho Brahe!"
by ferrerintheair April 14, 2010
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