See SCAM. A formerly highly useful tool to catch Russian activity but them switched to a maga coolaid scam when the "CEO" of the ngo changed it to attack leftist accounts turning it into a worthless pile of slag
Bot Sentinel used to be useful but now if you quote it, its like having an aol email account
by Rhomus Tix June 2, 2021
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A really dumb website created by left-wing SJWs, for left-wing SJWs. The left uses it to see if the Twitter user they don’t agree with is a bot or not.
Twitter user A: *says something the left don’t agree with*

Twitter user B: *replies with a screenshot of Bot Sentinel that detected that user A is a troll bot on Twitter* STFU, bot!
by Thrasher325 September 26, 2019
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A website that tracks bot accounts on Twitter. While useless for invalidating arguments, it can be a useful reference to determine if a Twitter account is arguing in bad faith.
I checked Bot Sentinel and it said there was an 88% chance you're a trollbot. I'm not saying you're a bot, but maybe ease up on all the propaganda and it'll be easier to discern you from one.
by DeSouzaIsaSJW October 3, 2019
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