The campus bar of Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Either the best or worst bar in the world, depending on your perspective. A good place to hook up with strangers, especially ones in high school, and drink overpriced alcohol underage. Undeniably skeezy, but with a charm all its own.
For me, Boot O'Clock is around 3:30 am, although The Boot is great all the time.
by Dirty Magic November 7, 2011
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common slang used in the Western regions of the United States, referring to the feeling of wearing 100+ pound boots on each foot. After smoking a thick blunt or cross joint, or even a heavy bong rip, sitting becomes #1 on one's priority list. "The Boots" weigh you down so much that you can't arise from your given beanbag/couch/chair/etc.
"Yo, I'm so ripped... can we please run to taco bell for some munch?"

"Nah man, I'm wearin' the boots. Can't move."
by brosemary hall February 10, 2010
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The purplish monkey on Dora the Explorer, a kids show on Nick Jr. with questionable content. Why a monkey chooses companionship with a four-year-old hispanic girl who's always tripping on shrooms beats me.
by Leiko October 7, 2004
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extra, used instead of mad
instead of "That shirt is mad hot."
"That shirt is hot boots."
by cutie boots July 23, 2005
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to get kicked out.. not necessarily in a rude or offensive manner
Kendra: Cory what did you do last night?
Cory: Well, I was at mikey's keggar but the cops showed up at 2 and we got the boot.
by rubella July 28, 2005
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An activity that would take a considerable effort.
Nah dude, you're friend's house is to far to walk to--that's a boot.
by Luisscarchi February 19, 2016
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