A fake meteorological term made up and pushed by the media to instill fear in the general populous about a relatively strong storm to get more views. The “bomb” refers to the meteorological process of bombogenesis which is the rapid strengthening of a storm in 24 hours. The “cyclone” is referring to the shape of the storm looking like a hurricane or cyclone.
Person 1: Yo did you here about the bomb cyclone coming this weekend?

Person 2: The what...?
by Person 2 AKA The smart one January 7, 2018
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A desperate attempt by the crazed fake news in America to over dramatize the weather. A "bomb cyclone" as daunting as the name suggests, is actually just a snowstorm with high winds, you know ... like a blizzard ? The news is really sinking to new lows every day for ratings it seems.
"Yo do you want to get bombed for the bomb cyclone tomorrow?"
"You mean the snow storm that we've been seeing in New England since the discovery of weather?"
"No man! This one's all bombed up!"
"You're bombed it sounds like, but yeah I'm down to drink."
by F4ke N3ws January 5, 2018
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2018 snow storn that swept through the South
Did you guys get caught in that bomb cyclone?
by Kayladinero January 7, 2018
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A weather system that dumps a lot of snow (usually up north but in 2018, it dropped snow in savannah 🤦🏽 ♂️) and it’s living hell for everyone else that didn’t get snow, that is if hell is cold🤷🏽 ♂️
Ron- You hear about the bomb cyclone?

Aj- Yeah, it’s gonna be cold as fuck down here

Ron- we’ll get a snow filled hurricane in NYC
by Definite Word January 7, 2018
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Bomb Cyclone (Noun and Verb) - The act of clearing the gastrointestinal tract through the consumption odd food combinnations and/or nearly expired food. Normally, a natural process however the participant intentionally chose food, against better judgment and must deal with consequences from consuming said food. The "Bomb" referring to the expulsion act. The "cyclone" referring to the swirling motion of the toilet water.
1. I have a 2 for 1, Chipotle....Dude, Let's get the tofu. No Bomb Cyclone today!
2. Dude, I went to grandma's and she made some sweet ass ham balls. 2 hours later, Bomb Cyclone!
by todamhyp January 28, 2022
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