Used in the conversations of pewdipie and jackscepticeye ,can be referred to as the language of the gods
Blip blop ship shop ding dong
by Garvthejackfan September 13, 2019
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Noun. Alcohol or an alcoholic beverage; especially beverages of the caliber to be wrapped in a brown paper bag. Originated in the movie "Little Nicky," when Adrian steals a bottle wrapped in a paper sack from Nicky pretending to be a bum.
"Take anything but my blip blop; I have to drink to be happy."
by Hamilton Hardison December 16, 2005
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The sound of Pewdiepie or Jacksepticeye when they're communicating with each other.
Pewdiepie: Blip blop

Jackseptieye: Sheep shoop
by BlipBlopMan October 13, 2019
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