when someone is about to get called the n word you say this before it. mostly used to describe someone as stupid, scared, etc
by fag120 April 11, 2023
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A scumbag who welds and catches no fish. A person who talks a lot of shit. Probably named Bryson or something stupid.
by EgritGodofMen June 16, 2022
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typically used to insult someone for their diva-ness or for just generally being an asshole. two examples of a bitchass are grayson dolan and libby duffield.
Fuck off bitchass”
by anqmaly March 13, 2019
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By my standards its some skyass scaryass biatch who afraid of something or some nigga
Tiffany: "I'm so scared of stealing of stealing this Toblerone bar"

Brittany: "Nigga u aint gotta be scared its a chocolate u bitchass"
by Edd the J July 10, 2019
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