Fictional town in Germany. No roads lead to Bielefeld, no railways either. It does appear on maps, but no-one has ever been there or knows someone from Bielefeld.
It might be a code name for some secret militairy project.

Everybody who claims to be from Bielefeld or to have ever been there is part of the Bielefeld-conspiracy (German: Bielefeld-Verschwörung)
X: Have you ever been in Bielefeld?

Y: Sure, I was there only about two weeks ago.

X (to Z): Never trust Y again, he part of the Bielefeld-conspiracy
by Milanifan June 19, 2010
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A supposed town that doesn't exist. The German government used this town to cover up an alien crash site. NOBODY knows anyone from Bielefeld.
Do you know anybody from Bielefeld?
Have you ever been to Bielefeld?
Do you know anybody who has ever been to Bielefeld?
The answer will always be no.
by Hieronymous Blighe June 25, 2012
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A beautiful town in westfalia, known for its pudding factories and failing soccer team, where people speak true in very short sentences.
Also, the conspiracy theory is getting kinda old.
A: Hey, where are you from?
B: Bielefeld.
A: Ok, so how are you?
B: Good.
B: I hate rhinelanders. They talk to much. I like Bielefeld. People don't talk much here.
by grobisesam May 18, 2012
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Definition 1: A supposed town in Germany that doesn't actally exist.

Definition 2: The gray and white squares in a digital canvas that only have transparent objects in front of them.
(Definition 1) Person A: "I'm from Bielefeld"
Person B: "No you're not. Bielefeld doesn't exist.

(Definition 2) Peron A: "What are those gray and white squares in this image?"
Person B;"It's the bielefeld. It shows that there isn't anything drawn over it."
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