(n.) A section of Santa Rosa, California, see Santa Rosa located on its east side. Known for its friendly community, Bennett Valley is also the location for many schools. These schools include Montgomery Highschool, Slater Middle School, Matanzas, Strawberry, Village, and Spring Creek Elementary schools.

While most of Santa Rosa consists of about 50% Caucasian 48% Hispanic and 2% Negro/other, Bennett Valley contains about 80% Caucasian. This is commonly believed to be because of the population's high income and good geographical location. The other 20% is mainly white-washed Hispanics, although there is the "BV Sur" which consists of hard-core Mexicans who roam the streets of Bennett Valley violating it with their graffiti and their race. The 80% white consists of about 2% extremely hot males earning their education at Montgomery High School.
John: "Hey dude what did you do yesterday?"

Wallace: "I gave this bitch from Bennett Valley a sloppy jalopy!!"
by jbone&dollabillz September 1, 2009
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